Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Bringing graduates back together for Thursday Alumni Nights

We have recently launched Alumni Nights every Thursday at 6pm, inspired by requests and initiatives from our program's graduates. One graduate said that the “Design Your Future” program had changed her life, and enabled her to get her dream job in the fashion industry. But now that she is working, she realized it would be great to meet with fellow graduates, to discuss some of the challenges they were facing as young creative professionals, and to offer each other mutual support and encouragement. Another graduate said that now that he is on the road to success in his chosen career in the music industry, he would love to be able to mentor other students and share with them some of his experiences and resources.

It is because of statements like these we decided to create a space for graduates to reconnect, to achieve their best and to become powerful forces in the world. Thursday nights will feature youth led support groups, speaker series where graduates will get to meet and network with executives from leading creative firms, personalized support for their creative projects, as well as life coaching.

If you are interested in attending an Alumni Night, please contact Adam at adam@reciprocityfoundation.org.

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